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02:18 10/Mar/2015

Congratulations on an amazing collection!
I am writing a book on Czechoslovakian revenue stamps. Existing catalogs only list a couple of cigarette tax stamps so your site was quite a find for me. May I have your permission to include the images of these three countries' stamps in my book?
Thank you for your consideration.

01:42 05/Feb/2015

I'm an italian collector of cigarette packs and I'm presently trying to put in chronological order my collection. I think that tax stamps could be of some use, as they will change from time to time and almost every cigarette pack carries them. The problem is: apart from a non-specialistic italian catalogue, there is no international literature on this subject (at least, none I ever heard of) but you may have of some useful informations or books...
I'll be grateful for any information.

02:00 08/Oct/2014

Thanks for posting all this information! I have been collecting Czechoslovak revenue stamps for about a year now and have not seen any like yours yet. Very interesting!
Best wishes from the United States!

00:45 04/Oct/2014

Privet Andrej,

Very big congratulations to your nice and big collection! Nice work! :)
Best Regards from Budapest! :)

13:53 02/Sep/2014

Congratulations for your collections. It's very nice. I collect stamps tax of Spanish protectorate in Morocco. You have any pictures of then in your web, but anly the green stamps are from spanish protectorate. The blues stamps are from french protectorate.


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