Hi Andrey!
Very nice collection!!!
I'm from SPb. Our company has plans to create the control system for tax stamps under the government program. So i want to ask you have you any descriptions of your collection's stamps? It would be very interesting for us.
I've understood you've collected stamps from 2001. Are stamps in the collection presented in chronological order?
I will be glad to get an answer from you.
Sincerely yours, Luda
This is a very fine collection. Here from Greenland it is great to fine some tax stamps from Greenland.
what a fabulous and different collection.i am into stamps on dental health collection.if you need help from india just email me dear.
Посмотрел Ваш сайт. Впечатляет. Обратил внимание, у Вас нету последнего акциза белорусского, а может вы еще не внесли его. В любом случае успехов Вам!
Wow, great!! I was looking a long time for a website like yours! I do not know if I have something for you, but as a collector of cigarette packages, the tax stamps are one of the most impressive part for me because it makes the package "political". I am especially looking for empty cigarette packages from abchasia and other autonomous areas. would be happy to be in touch. best greetings from Austria!