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02:08 16/Mar/2010

Congratulations on a wonderful, one-of-a-kind web site! Great graphics, easy navigation! Please accept my most cordial and best wishes of constant inflow of stamps from your most wanted locations! Also, congratulations on the recent release of your first CD, a cool gothic rock Armaga album!

02:04 16/Mar/2010

Поздравляю с замечательным, долгожданным (многими из нас) и очень красивым и удобным в навигации сайтом! Желаю частого и продуктивного пополнения коллекции! И еще поздравляю с недавним выходом классного готичного диска твоей группы Armaga!

17:00 15/Mar/2010

Андрей, поздравляю с обновленным сайтом!
Желаю счастливого плавания в просторах Интернета, удачных знакомств с коллегами, пополнения коллекции!!!

05:36 28/Feb/2010

Hello Andrey my best friend,
That is such nice website, and I am happy to see that, I will send more items always, thanks my friend.

04:22 27/Feb/2010

Hi Andrey
Congratulations for this new place, it is very interesting.
Do I have yet the tax-stamps on that he had commented to you, you are interested in to change for bundles of cigarets of your country or of any country of the world??
Or you can spend to me some direction of a friendly collector of yours who wants to change tax-stamps for empty cigarets tags

I wait soon for your comments.


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